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Concept E 100

Your reasonably priced entry to Teufel 5.1 home cinema sound

Kolor: Black

CONSONO 35 CONCEPT Surround Power Edition 5.1 set

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CONSONO 35 CONCEPT Surround Power Edition 5.1 set

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Gallery image 1 from 14 Concept E 100

Zalety na pierwszy rzut oka

  • PC surround sound set for Teufel novices
  • Captivating and spatial multimedia sound
  • 200 watt subwoofer with a 200 mm bass driver
  • 5 wide-band satellite speakers on table stands
  • Direct access to three front controllers
  • Recommended for spaces up to 15 sqm.

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Gęsia skórka gwarantowana! Zajrzyj do sklepu naszego partnera w Warszawie lub przyjdź do naszego sklepu w Berlinie i przetestuj nasze produkty na własnych uszach! Czy to kompaktowe słuchawki, czy systemy dźwiękowe 5.1 – pracownicy sklepu służą Ci pomocą i fachową radą. Umów się na wizytę w sklepie z doradcami i odkryj dźwięk Teufel na żywo.

The Concept E 100 will help you enter the world of surround sound at the PC at a very attractive price.

The starter set of the new Concept E series is constructed exactly like the top model Concept E 400: an active subwoofer with a very powerful 5.1 amplifier connected to five identical, great-sounding satellite speakers.

Impressive sound experience
The Concept E 100 is primarily designed to be connected directly to the sound card outputs of the computer. Fed by the sound output from a desktop PC or notebook, the speaker set generates an impressive sound experience at the desk, children’s bedroom, or wherever else you find room for the very compactly made set.

PCmultimedia and more
But the Concept E 100 offers other options too: DVD player, CD portables, MP3 player, iPod docks, TV set, radio transmission systems and many other components with analogue outputs are compatible as playback devices for the set. A cinch cable connection is enough – you will find all the adapters or cables you might need at the Teufel online shop.

Upmix to five speakers
By the way: The result of an upmix of five speakers and the subwoofer makes even stereo sources sound far better than normal stereo playback!

Minimalist controls
You can carry out the most common operations directly at the front of the subwoofer: control the volume or bass proportion, and switch to standby mode.

Upstages competitors
But surely the Concept E 100 will rarely be quieted: its acoustical backdrop is far too impressive. Thanks to a 200 watt amplifier, a 200 mm bass speaker in a voluminous wood casing and five meticulously calibrated satellite speakers, you will quickly notice why the sound quality of Teufel multimedia systems quite literally upstages comparable products.

And ultimately, that’s what really counts…

Because of the many different customer demands we do not include cables with this shipment. You can order matching cables in our Teufel web shop by going to “ Accessories”. They also come as ready-to-connect cable sets and are attractively priced.

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Szczegóły techniczne

CE 10 FCR vorne mit Abdeckung/Standfuß

Satellite Speaker CE 10 FCR

The CE 10 FCR micro satellite delivers unbelievable performance despite its compact size.
Thanks to a high-performance driver with an 80 mm diameter and a subwoofer with active filtering, it can powerfully play back the complete frequency range between mid-tone and treble without breaks or distortion. The curved front ensures better sound radiation than previous conventional constructions.

The acoustically transparent cover of the 9 x 9 centimetre sound marvel can be removed for “open” operation, but normally has a “floating” mounting: Benefits: Minimisation of edge reflections. A curved front provides improved sound radiation compared to previous constructions.

The supplied matching table stand ensures optimal placement options on a desk or shelf. An optional Shortlock bracket can be used to fasten and then horizontally/vertically swivel the cube. The separately available M 60 P base is an alternative stand placement option.

  • Opis Produkt
    Szerokość 9 cm
    Wysokość 9 cm
    Głębokość 9,8 cm
    Waga 0,43 kg
  • Opis Produkt
    Zaciski terminala Klamry
  • Opis Produkt
    Przystosowany do amplitunera tak
    Maksymalna średnica kabla 2 mm
    Średnica otowrów na śruby 6 mm
    Zdejmowana pokrywa przednia tak
    Materiał obudowy Tworzywo sztuczne ABS
    Powierzchnia obudowy Lakier, wysoki połysk
    Ochrona magnetyczna tak
    Pojemność wewnętrzna netto 0,5 L
    Zintegrowany stojak tak
    Głośniki szerokopasmowe (ilość w obudowie) 1
    Głośniki szerokopasmowe (średnica) 80 mm
    Głośniki szerokopasmowe (materiał) celulozowe
    Moc ciągła (IEC - Long Term) 50 W
    Czułość (2.83 V / 1 m) 83 dB
    Zakres częstotliwości od/do 180 - 20000 Hz
    Szczytowa moc znamionowa (IEC - Short Term) 100 W
    Impedancja [Om] 4 - 8 Ohm
    Układ głośników Jednodrożny
    Konstrukcja obudowy Zamknięta
Concept E 100 - CE 100 SW vorne

5.1 Subwoofer CE 100 SW

As the smallest woofer of the Concept E series, the CE 100 SW may be the baby within the Teufel cosmos, but it does have a very imposing appearance with its 28.4 litre volume and 13 kg weight – especially when compared to the usual PC bass cubes.

The integrated 5.1 amplifier boasts a very considerable 200 watts maximum output, which is logically distributed to the six feed channels. At the rear it offers a connection for direct connection to 5.1 sound cards or other analogue sources.

The 200 mm side-mounted bass speaker in the precisely calibrated bass reflex casing guarantees a deep bass that can be also adjusted using the front controller. Just like the total volume and the operating status of the woofer. By the way, power consumption during standby operation: less than 1 watts!

The Concept E 100 SW is only available as part of a Concept E 100 set.

  • Opis Produkt
    Szerokość 24,7 cm
    Wysokość 43,5 cm
    Głębokość 42,3 cm
    Waga 13 kg
  • Opis Produkt
    Napięcie zasilania 220 - 240 V
    Maksymalny pobór mocy 300 W
    Kabel - konektor IEC tak
    Klasa ochronności 2
    Bezpiecznik T2AL250V
    Funkcja standby tak
    Pobór mocy w trybie standby 1 W
    Bass boost/EQ Bass conrol
    Regulacja poziomu tak
    Moc wyjściowa sinus (RMS) Bass 50 W
    Maksymalna moc wyjściowa na kanał satelitarny 25 W
    Moc wyjściowa impulsowa (szczyt) Bass 75 W
    Konfiguracja wzmacniacza 5.1
    Technologia wzmacniacza Class AB, IC type
    Kanały wzmacniacza 6
    Moc wyjściowa sinus (RMS) satelita 15 W
  • Opis Produkt
    Najniższa częstotliwość (-3 dB) 40 Hz
    Maksymalna średnica kabla 3 mm
    Otwory kompensujące (pozycja) Przednie
    Otowory kompensujące 1
    Materiał obudowy MDF
    Powierzchnia obudowy High gloss (front), foil (corpus)
    Ochrona magnetyczna tak
    Pojemność wewnętrzna netto 28,4 L
    Głośnik niskotonowy (ilość w obudowie) 1
    Głośnik niskotonowy (średnica) 200 mm
    Głośnik niskotonowy (materiał) celulozowe
    Konstrukcja obudowy Bass reflex
  • Opis Produkt
    Zaciski terminala Klamry
    Wejścia cinch 5.1 1


Pełna zawartość zestawu

Concept E 100
  • 5 × Tischfuß CE 10 TP
  • 5 × Satelliten-Lautsprecher CE 10 FCR – Black
  • 1 × 5.1-Subwoofer CE 100 SW – Black